The ES.1 is quick and easy to set up.
Plug in and fill up the water reservoir (or plumb the machine into a water supply), turn the ES.1 on, and follow the touch screen prompts. Soon you will be pulling espresso shots like a pro.
The brew paddle on the brew head is the primary mechanism you will use to operate the ES.1. Pressing the paddle to the left will start the brewing process. Each press of the paddle to the left will advance the ES.1 through the brewing process: Pre-Infusion, Infusion, and Ramp Down. Pressing the paddle to the right will stop the brew process or purge the brew head.

Sensors regulate the internal temperatures and pressures of both the Low-Temperature Tank and Steam Tank of the ES.1.
The touch screen provides detailed information about the brewing process, including summary reports of each shot pulled, charts depicting the recorded changes in pressure and temperature that result as the brewing process progresses, and gauges that will help guide you through the brewing process itself. The touch screen allows for the fine-tuning and adjustment of the parameters that drive the brewing process.