Technically, yes.
The ES.1 has 2 boilers:
- One boiler is the steam tank; like in other double boiler machines, this tank delivers hot water anywhere from 220F to 265F.
- One “low temp” tank that pre-heats water to ~150F.The ES.1 utilizes a proprietary hydraulic system regulated by proportional valves and Fuzzy Logic algorithms to control water blending from the low-temp tank and the heat exchanger from the steam tank to deliver water for coffee or tea brewing at the chosen temperature. These tanks work together to create a system offering on-demand temperature regulation and stability. This system offers many benefits, but the biggest is the ability to provide a wide range of temperatures on short notice. For example, you can deliver 160F water for tea and brew espresso at 200F immediately afterward.
Here is a simplified diagram of the ES.1 water pathway: